Aug 27, 2018

Who has the profits from the election twice, which is the loss ...

The issue of assembly and Lok Sabha elections in the country is being raised again.

The issue of assembly and Lok Sabha elections in the country is being raised again. At the present time, there is a flurry of bringing together some assemblies and Lok Sabha elections, not all. Many of these work-but are engaged. Elections are not possible with the law at this time, the Election Commission has said this a few hours ago. The Election Commission, however, has suggested that the purpose of the election can be met by politically changing the constitution. The problem of rule of law is that the term of an assembly can not be shorter than its appointed term and no one can extend the term.

Yet, if one is stubborn, then there is only one way to change the rules by sitting in Parliament. The current situation is that Parliament's monsoon session has ended. Now there can be a formal debate on this issue only in the winter session of Parliament, and by then the elections of the four legislatures will be so close that nothing will be decided. Now it is a different matter that the current central government should find this work so embarrassing that they find another way to get together the election. But the present government has already taken so much profit and loss of some of its sensational and controversial decisions that it will rarely have such a vulnerable and vulnerable work in the constitution on its initiative before the general election. Even then, the government can do anything in the way that it has been found to do something for the first time or the first time.
The current government's five-year term is in the last months of its last year, so in view of this, there will be no more on his stake. However, whether or not something could be done, the ruling party leaders have given the slogan "One country, one election" to the present moment. So this is the right time to look forward to the slogan. A lot of the profits and losses have already happened before. Still one thing remained sure That is that elections in India have become a major means of generating employment.

Initially, elections were held simultaneously ...
In 1951-52, for the first time in the country, the electoral process was started with elections from the assembly and the Lok Sabha simultaneously. This work continued till 1967, but the bottleneck arose when some of the legislative assemblies started breaking up before the term was completed. The dissolution of those assemblies was in accordance with the Constitution and according to the constitution there was a compulsion to hold elections again within six months. This compulsion is still there. In the year 1970, the Lok Sabha had already been dissolved, and then later it became such that every year there are elections going on in the country.

Today the situation has become such that in all the states, the term of the assemblies ends at different times. All this is happening according to the provisions of the Constitution. Rather, it is only for the spirit of the constitution and to protect it, where it is necessary to make an election. That is, if there is an attractive slogan of 'one country, one election', then it will have to be altered in the provisions of the Constitution. It is unanimous that the constitution should be avoided. Not possible to do so, this arrangement is in the constitution, but the change in the constitution is not impossible. But everyone knows how complex the task of change or amendment to the Constitution is. For this there is debate in parliament and every aspect is thought deeply. In this process of thinking and thinking, the complexities also arise, which no one has already thought of.
The biggest argument made in favor of this slogan ...
The biggest argument is to save money. Well, energy and time savings are also an argument, but nowadays energy and time are weighed with money. Therefore, the issue is made only by saving money. However, only about 3,800 crores of government expenditure is spent on Lok Sabha elections. The same or much higher amount of money will be seen in the election of the legislatures. It is also possible to see how big is the amount of Rs 10,000 crores for the Government to spend 20 lakh crores tax every year and spend in many items. However, if one penny can be saved even then, the course must be saved. If the voter comes to vote only once, instead of twice, some expenses of the government will be saved. The public debate started on the slogan 'One country, one election', then the question arises that the voters of Indian democracy will see their own interests or harm ...?

Where is the money spent in the election ...
What is the reason for the waste of money in elections ...? Of course, the government will have some expenditure, but the amount spent by the government, multiples of it, then the political parties, candidates and supporters of businessmen, businessmen and contractors spend money in elections. It may not be good in the account, but there should be no scope for debate that elections are the only chance when money comes from politicians' pocket money. Well, in the discussions now, the use of black money in elections is being discussed publicly. If this alleged black money will be spent less then will this money be saved to the public?
Voters can look at this question. There is also an argument that in the elections, the people who are expended in the election, have access to the public in some way. For example, it is a political festival, during which seasonal jobs like religious teas and festivals are born. Millions of laborers, businessmen who put them in the banner-posters printers of trillions of rupees, businessmen on rent, and those who have got employment for rally in the rally, get jobs during the elections only during the elections. Here, the election management companies have become a reality, and these fifty companies, firms or professionals are generating large number of jobs every year. This thing may look immoral in listening-reading, but where many hazardous products or services can not be opposed to just because of the fact that it will increase unemployment, then why talk of raising unemployment for the economics of politicians in elections? Can not be

The burden of election expenses on politicians ...
Is it also not true that every big leader is now afraid of elections. Is it not true that the big leader wants to become a minister in some way by coming to the Bazaria Rajya Sabha or the Legislative Council. The reason for this growing trend is not the hassle of electoral expenditure on politicians.
The slogan of recalling your representative ...
Just six years ago, we have come across this slogan all over the country that the people should have this right that the people should dismiss their representative. During the campaign launched during the UPA government, it was repealed by Jantar Mantar in the name of 'Right to Recall' and the public was very happy that he could also dismiss him after choosing someone. However, after the defeat of the UPA government, this was just an imagination. Now why should the development of the slogan of 'one country, one election' be interpreted as a hope of public happiness?

The old slogan of increasing public participation ...
The days have passed, it has not taken much time, when people used to shout slogans to increase public participation in democracy. But no one could find the way to ensure greater participation of the public. On every issue there is a threat to the fair government. Every government wants that he has to go to the public at least times. The politician can not do this, the solution is that the public has more opportunities for its participation. Is it not true that due to the elections in any assembly every year, there has always been accountability on the ruling party in the country.

Most of the central government schemes are in place only when the election of any assembly has passed or the Lok Sabha elections have come to an end. In such a way, it can be suggested that as soon as the elections are over, instead of five years, the greater the chance of getting the public from the public. But the hassle or readymade logic will be explained only for the election expenses. It may be a matter of research that how many lakhs of rupees are received by the public from the center due to repeated elections in five years, and the public has to bear the election expenditure of how many crores in lieu of this. It should be assumed that if the elections are not repeated, then the schemes which the government will spend more and less on the schemes of public interest
What has happened so far in this case ...?
This was the case in 1983. This idea was given by the Law Commission in 1999 as a suggestion in its report. The language of the Law Commission was such a thing - just like before the elections were held together, we should come back in that situation. After that, the Standing Committee on the feasibility report of the Election Commission in December 2015, formed during the tenure of this government, had to say that there should be a practical way to think together for the election.

After this the suggestion also suggested that something should be done about the election together in 2024. It was also said that before that one election will be held in the middle of 2019. That is, whatever happened in two phases to fulfill this purpose was nothing more than the initial suggestion. Now when the Lok Sabha election has come to an end, then once again it is being heard. That is, in this case, the situation where the situation is considered. Now if the matter is going on, it can only be a debate between the political parties and simultaneously the atmosphere of debate between the public. The debate will be the matter of debate before deciding what benefits will come from elections together, who will benefit more, and whose benefits will be ...?

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