This has not gone down well with veteran party leader Digvijaya Singh. Maintaining that he is not in the race for the chief minister’s post, he is known to be backing Nath for the top job and simultaneously striving hard to deny Scindia a shot at power in case Congress succeeds in ousting the three-term Shivraj Singh Chouhan government. He is joined in this effort by Nath and Ajay Singh.
Digvijaya Singh has kept a low profile during the campaign. He has not been spotted at Rahul Gandhi’s programs, has not addressed any major public meeting and has not put out any controversial or embarrassing tweets. Singh has been working behind the scenes, focusing on his job as chairman of the party’s election coordination committee, dealing with rebellion and urging workers to do their best in routing the BJP government.
Several reasons have been cited for Singh’s uncharacteristic conduct. While a section of party insiders maintain he was miffed that Scindia was being given pride of place at Rahul Gandhi’s election rallies, others said Singh was specifically asked to keep low given his reputation of indulging in minority appeasement, especially at a time when Rahul Gandhi is on a temple visiting spree to prove his credentials as a devout Hindu. Still others said Singh was being kept out as he had fallen out of favour with Rahul Gandhi.
But having succeeded in getting a lion’s share of the tickets and securing the support of the other senior party leaders, Digvijaya Singh may end up having the last laugh. He may be out of power and out of favour but in case of a Congress victory, he will play a decisive role in the appointment of the party’s chief minister.