Shiv Sena said on Friday in response to a report by the RBI that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will make an atonement to put the country in "financial anarchy" through the ban on filing of nomination.
Shiv Sena said on Friday in response to a report by the RBI that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will make an atonement to put the country in "financial anarchy" through the ban on filing of nomination. In fact, in this report it has been said that 99.3% of the notes taken out of the currency have returned to the banking system. Shiv Sena said that the ban on the economy caused great damage, the industry was affected, the first time since independence, the rupee came to its lowest level and hundreds of people lost their lives, but still the rulers of the country are boasting of development . An editorial in the party mouthpiece 'Samna' on Friday said, "Since the ban on the country has put the country in financial anarchy, then what Prime Minister Narendra Modi will do to make the country's promises of promises? Notebition drill was done to gain popularity. "
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The party led by Uddhav Thackeray was referring to Modi's speech in Goa in November 2016, where the Prime Minister had appealed to people to cooperate with them for 50 days and said that if their intentions were found to be wrong then that country Any punishment given by them are ready to be accepted. Shiv Sena said that the ban on papers raised problems for the country. The party said, "The decisions related to the economy of the country should not be taken hastily. The note-up made the country's economy quadrupled, on which the Reserve Bank also stamped it. "The party said," Modi said that the ban was meant to end corruption, black money and forged notes forever. However, in the last two years all these things have increased. These claims proved to be hollow that the ban will end terrorist activities in Kashmir and peace will prevail in the valley. "
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The party said that black money and fake notes can not be availed because 99.3% of the notes are back in the banking system. The BJP's ally Shiv Sena said that due to the ban on the sale of small industries, residential and service sectors, the farmers had to bear a lot and the people had to stand in long queues outside the banks for two months. The party claimed that more than 100 people lost their lives in these queues. The party alleges that the coffin broke the back of the economy. There is a loss of 15,000 crore rupees for printing of new notes to the public exchequer. To spend about Rs 700 crore on technical changes in ATMs On the distribution of new notes, Rs 2,000 crore has to be spent. The party said that the move to ban bank robbery was very frightening, resulting in a loss of Rs 2.25 lakh crore.
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Shiv Sena said, "It is a loot of public treasury. The RBI governor did not stop the loot, for which he should be presented before the court. The job of the RBI is to protect the economy and in the present government it has become like a monkey in the current government. "The party said that basically no one accepts black money and can not be eliminated by the ban on paper, it is very easy- There is some economics. Those who did not understand it, they made fun of former Manmohan Singh, but now the truth has come out. "