Aug 26, 2018

Who has the profits from the election twice, which is the loss ...

The issue of assembly and Lok Sabha elections in the country is being raised again.

The issue of assembly and Lok Sabha elections in the country is being raised again. At the present time, there is a flurry of bringing together some assemblies and Lok Sabha elections, not all. Many of these work-but are engaged. Elections are not possible with the law at this time, the Election Commission has said this a few hours ago. The Election Commission, however, has suggested that the purpose of the election can be met by politically changing the constitution. The problem of rule of law is that the term of an assembly can not be shorter than its appointed term and no one can extend the term.

Yet, if one is stubborn, then there is only one way to change the rules by sitting in Parliament. The current situation is that Parliament's monsoon session has ended. Now there can be a formal debate on this issue only in the winter session of Parliament, and by then the elections of the four legislatures will be so close that nothing will be decided. Now it is a different matter that the current central government should find this work so embarrassing that they find another way to get together the election. But the present government has already taken so much profit and loss of some of its sensational and controversial decisions that it will rarely have such a vulnerable and vulnerable work in the constitution on its initiative before the general election. Even then, the government can do anything in the way that it has been found to do something for the first time or the first time.
The current government's five-year term is in the last months of its last year, so in view of this, there will be no more on his stake. However, whether or not something could be done, the ruling party leaders have given the slogan "One country, one election" to the present moment. So this is the right time to look forward to the slogan. A lot of the profits and losses have already happened before. Still one thing remained sure That is that elections in India have become a major means of generating employment.

Initially, elections were held simultaneously ...
In 1951-52, for the first time in the country, the electoral process was started with elections from the assembly and the Lok Sabha simultaneously. This work continued till 1967, but the bottleneck arose when some of the legislative assemblies started breaking up before the term was completed. The dissolution of those assemblies was in accordance with the Constitution and according to the constitution there was a compulsion to hold elections again within six months. This compulsion is still there. In the year 1970, the Lok Sabha had already been dissolved, and then later it became such that every year there are elections going on in the country.

Today the situation has become such that in all the states, the term of the assemblies ends at different times. All this is happening according to the provisions of the Constitution. Rather, it is only for the spirit of the constitution and to protect it, where it is necessary to make an election. That is, if there is an attractive slogan of 'one country, one election', then it will have to be altered in the provisions of the Constitution. It is unanimous that the constitution should be avoided. Not possible to do so, this arrangement is in the constitution, but the change in the constitution is not impossible. But everyone knows how complex the task of change or amendment to the Constitution is. For this there is debate in parliament and every aspect is thought deeply. In this process of thinking and thinking, the complexities also arise, which no one has already thought of.
The biggest argument made in favor of this slogan ...
The biggest argument is to save money. Well, energy and time savings are also an argument, but nowadays energy and time are weighed with money. Therefore, the issue is made only by saving money. However, only about 3,800 crores of government expenditure is spent on Lok Sabha elections. The same or much higher amount of money will be seen in the election of the legislatures. It is also possible to see how big is the amount of Rs 10,000 crores for the Government to spend 20 lakh crores tax every year and spend in many items. However, if one penny can be saved even then, the course must be saved. If the voter comes to vote only once, instead of twice, some expenses of the government will be saved. The public debate started on the slogan 'One country, one election', then the question arises that the voters of Indian democracy will see their own interests or harm ...?

Where is the money spent in the election ...
What is the reason for the waste of money in elections ...? Of course, the government will have some expenditure, but the amount spent by the government, multiples of it, then the political parties, candidates and supporters of businessmen, businessmen and contractors spend money in elections. It may not be good in the account, but there should be no scope for debate that elections are the only chance when money comes from politicians' pocket money. Well, in the discussions now, the use of black money in elections is being discussed publicly. If this alleged black money will be spent less then will this money be saved to the public?
Voters can look at this question. There is also an argument that in the elections, the people who are expended in the election, have access to the public in some way. For example, it is a political festival, during which seasonal jobs like religious teas and festivals are born. Millions of laborers, businessmen who put them in the banner-posters printers of trillions of rupees, businessmen on rent, and those who have got employment for rally in the rally, get jobs during the elections only during the elections. Here, the election management companies have become a reality, and these fifty companies, firms or professionals are generating large number of jobs every year. This thing may look immoral in listening-reading, but where many hazardous products or services can not be opposed to just because of the fact that it will increase unemployment, then why talk of raising unemployment for the economics of politicians in elections? Can not be

The burden of election expenses on politicians ...
Is it also not true that every big leader is now afraid of elections. Is it not true that the big leader wants to become a minister in some way by coming to the Bazaria Rajya Sabha or the Legislative Council. The reason for this growing trend is not the hassle of electoral expenditure on politicians.
The slogan of recalling your representative ...
Just six years ago, we have come across this slogan all over the country that the people should have this right that the people should dismiss their representative. During the campaign launched during the UPA government, it was repealed by Jantar Mantar in the name of 'Right to Recall' and the public was very happy that he could also dismiss him after choosing someone. However, after the defeat of the UPA government, this was just an imagination. Now why should the development of the slogan of 'one country, one election' be interpreted as a hope of public happiness?

The old slogan of increasing public participation ...
The days have passed, it has not taken much time, when people used to shout slogans to increase public participation in democracy. But no one could find the way to ensure greater participation of the public. On every issue there is a threat to the fair government. Every government wants that he has to go to the public at least times. The politician can not do this, the solution is that the public has more opportunities for its participation. Is it not true that due to the elections in any assembly every year, there has always been accountability on the ruling party in the country.

Most of the central government schemes are in place only when the election of any assembly has passed or the Lok Sabha elections have come to an end. In such a way, it can be suggested that as soon as the elections are over, instead of five years, the greater the chance of getting the public from the public. But the hassle or readymade logic will be explained only for the election expenses. It may be a matter of research that how many lakhs of rupees are received by the public from the center due to repeated elections in five years, and the public has to bear the election expenditure of how many crores in lieu of this. It should be assumed that if the elections are not repeated, then the schemes which the government will spend more and less on the schemes of public interest
What has happened so far in this case ...?
This was the case in 1983. This idea was given by the Law Commission in 1999 as a suggestion in its report. The language of the Law Commission was such a thing - just like before the elections were held together, we should come back in that situation. After that, the Standing Committee on the feasibility report of the Election Commission in December 2015, formed during the tenure of this government, had to say that there should be a practical way to think together for the election.

After this the suggestion also suggested that something should be done about the election together in 2024. It was also said that before that one election will be held in the middle of 2019. That is, whatever happened in two phases to fulfill this purpose was nothing more than the initial suggestion. Now when the Lok Sabha election has come to an end, then once again it is being heard. That is, in this case, the situation where the situation is considered. Now if the matter is going on, it can only be a debate between the political parties and simultaneously the atmosphere of debate between the public. The debate will be the matter of debate before deciding what benefits will come from elections together, who will benefit more, and whose benefits will be ...?

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Modi Government, 3 Years and Kashmir's Status

Three years after the term, the Modi government will have to ask why after all this time why Pakistan is not under pressure and accepting the condition of first negotiation on terrorism, why is it coming to the table of discussion?

In April, 2016, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had reminded Vajpayeeji of the stage of Katra that people of state had great love and respect from Vajpayee, who talked of pursuing Jammu and Kashmir with the path of humane, Kashmiri and mobilization. was. PM Modi had promised to complete the dream of Vajpayeeji with the promise of development along with everyone. This announcement of the Prime Minister was seen with great hope in the state.

This statement of Prime Minister Modi has grown a little over a year. In the state PDP and BJP coalition government have been more than two years old. Three years of the BJP government in the center have been completed, but Kashmir has been continuously smoother. In this case, the situation of 1989 like this is likely to come back. However, till now there is very water flowing in Jhelum. Attempts have been made to strengthen the security cover on line of control through wirewind. It is no longer possible for the terrorists coming from across the border to come uninterrupted in such a way and forcing Kashmiris to be trained. But the boil of dissatisfaction and anger within the valley is providing land for the bosses of terrorism across the border.

Kashmir has settled earlier too. Is moving There is a history of terrorism almost three decades old. But every time he tried to calm him down, he was also trying to calm down. Trying to happen this time too. And trying very differently. But no one knows what is being tried. I am convinced that the Modi Government must be trying some or the other kind of effort. Efforts have been made on behalf of the government for every round. Despite the Vajpayee government or the Manmohan Government, the plight of the army in the plaintiff, new ways of negotiation continued to be extracted. Time has also been successful in keeping the situation under control.
For the first time in the Vajpayee tenure of 1999-2004, it happened that the terrorist organization Hizbul Mujahideen was also brought to the table of talks. The Hizb has been claiming the representation of local Kashmiris, although its donor Syed Salahuddin is under the influence of Pakistan since fleeing from Kashmir. The security challenges arising after the abduction of IC 814 in December 1999 did not allow anywhere to interact with any terrorist organization, but it was considered necessary to improve the condition of Kashmir. That too when the Indian army was not leaving any stone unturned to destroy the terrorists' minds. On one hand, he was raising the feet of the terrorists, on the other hand the government was opening new doors of dialogue to bring strayed youths on the road.

It was the Vajpayee government who appointed KC Pant as the Chief negotiator to Kashmir. Although the Hurriyat Conference did not come to talk to him but sending an invitation to the Hurriyat to negotiate, an attempt was made to appease the importance of being a part of the Kashmir problem. In the meantime, representatives from Shikarawala and Houseboat to businessmen and not just the Kashmir Valley but from Jammu to Kargil, Leh Ladakh were invited. The strategy was to hear everything. They had to give trust. We had to walk with everyone. And the Hurriyat Conference was also about to realize its extent. Then in response to the letter of invitation, Shabbir Shah wrote to the Center and also met KC Pant. For this, Shabbir Shah also faced criticism in Jammu and Kashmir, but the Center has considered his move as positive. It is a different matter that Shabbir, who has long been in prison for long periods of terrorism, is continuously interned since the arrival of the Modi Government.
Vajpayee ji established this series of dialogues with Pakistan. Lahore took the bus but in return got Kargil. Even after this, he showed his StatesManashhip and in January 2004, he went to Pakistan to participate in the SAARC Summit. As a result of this, the composite dialogue between India and Pakistan was agreed. In 2004, the Vajpayee government went, but the Manmohan Government extended the synergy of the composite dialogue with full confidence. It broke down after the Mumbai attacks in 2008. Although after this process of formal negotiation with Pakistan was closed for years, efforts were made to melt the snow on the relations between the two countries on different occasions. Finally, in December 2015, when Sushma Swaraj arrived in Islamabad to take part in the Heart of Asia, it was agreed to move forward in the name of Comprehensive Dialogue. Due to terrorist attacks in the middle, this process has not been started till date.

Peace in Kashmir also directly deals with the dialogue with Pakistan. Many elements of terrorism are trying to take out this process from the tracks and try to put an end to their nefarious moods. The reasons for the breakdown have always been coming from Pakistan, there is no doubt in it. But putting pressure on world leaders on its dictatorships to bring it to the table of talks has been a part of India's diplomatic success. Three years after the term, the Modi government will have to ask why after all this time why Pakistan is not under pressure and accepting the condition of first negotiation on terrorism, why is it coming to the table of discussion? That too when the name of Narendra Modi's name is ringing from America to Europe countries.
Now look at some of the ways in Kashmir which have been used by previous governments to regulate peace. Whether it is the government of Vajpayee or the Manmohan Singh government, no one has regarded the Hurriyat as a representative of Kashmir but kept it in the virtual world under the strategy. The motive esoteric rifle can not be carried out with the terrorists, it has to be stopped. Different agencies kept their gardener through different channels. And further, the increase and retention of the ambition between the Hurriyat leaders also continued. So, in the Hurriyat conference that has been formed by nearly two dozen organizations, never been able to become a recognized leader. Although Syed Ali Shah Geelani has remained its idol.

Not only the Hurriyat but also the intelligence of the intelligence department in different terrorists. Their strings are spread across the border. The consequences of the infiltration of terrorists from the terrorists to the terrorists continued to reach the security agencies. They were stopped and killed. With the army there was continued use of force like BSF, whose G Branch had made such a passage among the common Kashmiris that the information of the movement of the terrorists came to Kashmiri himself and came to the city headquarters. Later, after the formation of Forest Border One Force Formula, the BSF got out of the valley and the CRPF took it instead. Although it does not go into its fold in front of it.
The scale of peace in the valley has also been elections there. In the wake of the threats of terrorists, there are dangers in mainstream politics. The central government has played a major role even after the local leaders are ready and share in the elections. Through the intelligence system, not only was their security ensured, but their needs were also taken care of. Simply put, in the center, whatever government or government of the coalition, in the center, economic support was provided to every party in Kashmir for the promotion of mainstream politics. Earlier governments, at least, did not stick to the stubbornness of ending the opposition in Kashmir. In the complexity of the problems, all Central Governments have worked under some unwritten but implied rules.

But Modi Government thinks that every kind of bridge has burnt. Military officials of the record accept that intelligence disappears from the people. The information came from the first village country but now the list of informants is almost finished. And doing any operation without notice is like jumping in the blind well. With the passage of Kashmiris, the security forces and the army themselves have started feeling isolated. On the other hand, terrorists and separatists have created such conditions that the schoolchildren are also starting to stone.

Home Minister Rajnath Singh said that the government will work towards a permanent solution to the Kashmir problem. The Modi government can not say if there is any Ram Barr in Kashmir, but the current symptoms in the valley are giving the fear of being serious. In such a case, if someone says that because of power you can not handle Kashmir, you of course, call him a traitor, but in the long run you will have to come to the level of behavior. It is true that it is not a night-ending problem, but the central government will have to wake up every night to handle Kashmir burning. Leaving the responsibility on the shoulder of the state government will not work. After alliance with BJP, PDP has lost its impact in the valley. Most elected MLAs can not afford the courage to visit their areas. These include Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti.

In this critical period, the Prime Minister, who announced the package of 80 thousand crore for Kashmir, is looking at the question of humanity, Kashmirism and mobility

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Mamta Banerjee's management ...

Mamta Banerjee's visit to Delhi has been very important in terms of opposition unity. In a way Mamata came to Delhi and met the leaders here. It seems they have decided that the unity of opposition unity is the same.
Mamta Banerjee's visit to Delhi has been very important in terms of opposition unity. In a way Mamata came to Delhi and met the leaders here. They seem to have decided that the axis of opposition unity are going to be the same. His meeting with Sharad Pawar, Sonia Gandhi and Arvind Kejriwal determined that it should start taking the matter of uniting opposition unity seriously now. Opposition leaders from Mamata have been negotiating on several issues. There is one in it that the opposition wants that the next Lok Sabha election will be from the ballot paper instead of the voting machine and on this all the opposition except the NDA parties are united. Although it does not seem that the EC will accept this demand of the opposition. Yes, it is of course that the Election Commission will try to get a slip with every voting machine, so that the voter can know who he has voted for.
The second important and big issue is to unify the fraternity of Bhanmitha like opposition. This is not easy, but the opposition has no choice. Especially Mamata Banerjee knows that the complete focus of BJP and Amit Shah is now only West Bengal and it is a big political challenge for Mamta. Mamta also knows that Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Maharashtra and Karnataka are very important for the next Lok Sabha elections. If there is a ban on BJP here, next year the government may have an impact on its claim. Therefore, it is necessary for the SP-BSP and Congress to come together in Uttar Pradesh
In Bihar, Lalu Yadav and Manjhi are in a good condition. In Karnataka, JDS and Congress will have to contest elections simultaneously. This is the compulsion of Kumaraswamy. In Maharashtra, Shiv Sena has made it easy for the Congress-NCP coalition to say that they will fight alone. Mamata has to take care of her fort in West Bengal. Mamata's meeting with the Chief Minister of Telangana has already happened and in Odisha, Naveen Patnaik can not go with BJP in any condition, because he has to fight against BJP's assembly elections. For this, it is necessary for the opposition to show its solidarity. But Mamta's own record is not as clear as it is.

In 1999, Mamta became part of the NDA, which she left in 2001. That same year he joined hands with the Congress for the assembly elections. Then came back to the NDA in 2004 and left NDA again in 2009. Then that year became part of the UPA coalition and left it in 2012. Now the biggest question is that like Mamta's mood, those who have their history will be acceptable to all. This question is also asked for Rahul Gandhi as a leader. The second question is already bigger whether Mamata Banerjee will accept anyone else's leadership.

The answers to all these questions will tell the future, but the opposition will have to do something without being poor. That is why this frightening pitcher has to be gathered, otherwise it should be prepared in 2024.

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Have the real issues left behind in the Hindu-Muslim debate?

The two biggest parties of the country are confused with the question of Hindus and Muslims. I do not remember when the last word was used in the political terminology to describe the Hindu-Muslim words in such a ruthless manner.
The issues of poor, farmers, unemployed, dalits, laborers, backward people have left behind such a situation and only one issue has survived in the country - Hindu-Muslim's. The two biggest parties of the country are confused with the question of Hindus and Muslims. I do not remember when the last word was used in the political terminology to describe the Hindu-Muslim words in such a ruthless manner. PM Narendra Modi is asking the Congress on the issue of three divorces that he is a Muslim men's party or is he also concerned about Muslim women? Not only this, he is also reminding of the old statement of former prime minister Manmohan Singh, in which he said that the first right on the country's resources is also of minorities.

In addition to PM Modi, Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javdekar have targeted him for the alleged statement of Congress President Rahul Gandhi, according to Congress, Rahul did not give it. After meeting with Rahul Gandhi's Muslim intellectuals, an Urdu newspaper was published in the Inklab that Rahul told him that Congress is a party of Muslims. The newspaper quoted Congress leader Nadeem Javed as saying that the news was correct.

On the other hand, Congress leaders are not lagging behind in giving statements on the issue of Hindu-Muslim. Shashi Tharoor said that if BJP won in 2019, then India would become a Hindu Pakistan. Digvijay Singh also came to the ground. He reminded Pakistani dictator Zia-ul-Haq and accused that as Zia-ul-Haq promoted religious extremism in Pakistan, the ruling party in India is promoting alleged Hindutva. There was a sharp reaction on Tharoor's statement. They tweeted and blamed that the youth workers of BJP attacked on their office today.
A Kolkata court also issued a notice to him. Mani Shankar Aiyar, a suspended leader of Congress, has come to support Tharoor. In his blog on, he said that Tharoor has given the correct statement about Hindu Pakistan. The Congress has once again given a clean sweep of all these disputes. He said that he is not the one of everyone and BJP is trying to rule by dividing the country like East India Company.

These efforts to democratize the country before the next Lok Sabha election can harm the social structure. Voices have also started to rise. Harbhajan tweeted that a country of 50 lakh population played in the final of the World Cup football and we are playing Hindu-Muslim. Regrettably, both the big parties are not behind each other. Have the real issues left behind in the Hindu-Muslim debate? Will the political artillery of misguiding the voters of the country in the name of religion be able to raise the votes of votes for them?

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Mayawati is stepping up to fulfill PM's ambition

Another strong claimant of the Prime Minister has appeared in the General Assembly of the opposition in 2019. It is BSP chief Mayawati.
Another strong claimant of the Prime Minister has appeared in the General Assembly of the opposition in 2019. It is BSP chief Mayawati. In the first conference of party workers to prepare for the Lok Sabha elections, newly appointed National Coordinator Veer Singh and Jai Prakash Singh in Lucknow yesterday said that the time has come for her to become the prime minister of Bahnaji. These leaders said that Mayawati has emerged as a powerful leader after the formation of Kumaraswamy in Karnataka in Karnataka. He is the only leader who can stop Modi's victory chariot. Jaiprakash Singh went a step further. He said that Rahul Gandhi will never succeed in politics. While making personal remarks, he said that Rahul Gandhi does not look like his father but rather like Sonia Gandhi, who is a foreigner. That's why they will never be able to become PM.

However, his remarks led to Mayawati's untimely demise. He removed Jaiprakash Singh from both the National Coordinator and the National Vice President this morning. He said that personal remarks against the highest national leaders of opposition parties are against BSP's culture. He also said that in the other states of the country including the UP, no one else spoke of the party Hikaman except about the alliance.
It is interesting that Mayawati is silent on Jayaprakash Singh's statement in which he is calling him the prime minister's claimant. Mayawati's ambition to become a PM is not a secret. In 2008, he had said that if the Dalit's daughter can become the Chief Minister of the country's largest and most populous state then why can not that daughter of Dalit become the Prime Minister? It is different from the fact that in the next Lok Sabha elections, in 2009, his party won 20 seats, whereas in the last Lok Sabha elections, he did not get a single seat. But now things have changed. There is a discussion of the General Body of SP-BSP-Congress-RLD. With these parties coming together, the BJP has lost three important Lok Sabha constituencies of Gorakhpur-Phulpur-Kairana, but it is still suspense on how the seats will be split. However, Akhilesh Yadav has said that he is ready to give a major role to the BSP to remove Modi. But Mayawati's views are also outside of UP. He knows that more and more parties should be together to fulfill the ambition of becoming the Prime Minister. Janata Dal Secular in Karnataka opened the way for them. Now it wants to repeat this in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan.
On the other hand, Congress is desperate to defeat BJP in all these three states, but Mayawati says that if the agreement is to be made, then all seats in the states will be divided. They have also said that alliance will be held only after getting honorable seats. The Congress wants to go with the BSP in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh, but in Rajasthan, its mind is currently fighting alone. Meanwhile, Mayawati met Ajit Jogi. This is uncomfortable with the Congress as there is no difference between the Congress between Chhattisgarh and the BJP. BJP will have the advantage of sharing anti-BJP votes.

In Chhattisgarh, BJP got more than 75 per cent of the votes in Congress in 2013 and 1.7 per cent in 2008. While the BSP got 4.27 in 2013 and 6.11 percent votes in 2008. This math explains how Chhattisgarh will be beneficial for the Congress along with the BSP, while coming along with the BSP in Madhya Pradesh will strengthen the Congress. In 2013, the BSP won four seats and voted 6.29 percent. In the 2008 assembly elections, the BSP got about nine percent of the votes. In 2013, the Congress got 8% from BJP and five percent less in 2008. Put two and two maths, it is clear that coming together with the BSP and Congress, BJP's stronghold of Madhya Pradesh can collapse but Mayawati knows this. That is why they are talking about Rajasthan and also respectable seats.

The talk goes back to UP only where the Congress won only two seats, how many seats will the Congress take from SP-BSP and from here itself the same question comes back to the question of who will be the leader of the alliance, because Mayawati or Rahul, It depends on how many seats are available

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What does the opposition want to achieve by giving a no confidence motion?

When arithmetic is completely in favor of the BJP, then what is the opposition seeking to achieve the no-confidence motion ... Who will get the benefit from the proposal - the government or the opposition ...?

Debate and voting on the Opposition motion of the opposition against the Modi government will be on Friday. Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan approved the opposition's motion of no confidence on the very first day of the monsoon session. This is the second non-confidence motion in the last 15 years. Earlier in 2003, there was a proposal against the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government which had fallen. In 2008, the Manmohan Singh government had brought a confidence motion to the nuclear deal and won it.

Well, arithmetic is in favor of the government, but Sonia Gandhi is asking who said that she does not have numbers? On this, BJP is reminding Sonia of her similar claim made in 1999 when she said that the number of 272 was in her favor. The opposition, however, has brought this proposal to keep the matter before the government against the government on different issues. Like TDP, Andhra Pradesh is seeking special state status. At the same time, Congress wants to keep the real face of the government in front of the public about the plight of farmers and other failures. The Trinamool Congress is also in support of this proposal.

At the same time, BJP feels it will be a chance to keep the government report card in front of the country through the parliament. The second part of the budget session stalled on the issue of no confidence motion, but this time the government assumed the day before. There is a special reason behind this. The biggest thing is that BJP has come in election mode. Amit Shah believed that the use of the motion of no confidence should be used to expose opposition unity and to count the successes of the government in front of the public. Last time Congress-TDP came to the ground in support of the motion of no confidence, but this time was already with the day, so there were more than fifty MPs in favor of the proposal. So this proposal was assumed.

The government also expects that the issues which the opposition wants to debate on may be discussed during the motion of no confidence. Therefore Parliament will not only run, but necessary bills will also be passed. The BJP is confident about arithmetic, then it is confident about it. There are 10 seats vacant in 545 members Lok Sabha now. Therefore, the majority figure is 268. BJP has 273 MPs except Speaker. Together with the allies, there are 314 MPs in the NDA. While the UPA has 63 MPs. The figure of others is of 157. These AIADMKs and TRSs can be absent while voting. In such a scenario the figure of 244 will be left only, which will be easily with the NDA.
Although the opposition is convinced that despite several BJP MP whips in the election year, the BJP can shock the BJP in the absence of votes or in favor of the proposal. These are being named as Shatrughan Sinha, Kirti Azad, Savitri Phule, Rajkumar Saini, Ashok Dual, Chhoti Lal, etc. who are angry with the party. Apart from this, two MPs including Bhola Singh are sick. Kirti Vardhan Singh is abroad. However, BJP claims that Savitri will vote against all the proposals except for Phule.

On the other hand, BJP's attempt is to break the opposition unity. She wants some opposition MPs to openly revolt as they did in the Vice Presidential election. So the question is, when the arithmetic is completely in favor of BJP then what does the opposition want to achieve by giving a no confidence motion? Who will benefit from this proposal after this? Government or opposition?

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Defiance Resolution- Prepared side-opposition

Opposition wants to put the contradiction between BJP and NDA in front of the country. Rahul Gandhi will assume command of attack on behalf of Congress

All the preparations for the first non-confidence motion of the opposition against the Modi government have been fulfilled. BJP is watching it as a big opportunity in the election year. In the Lok Sabha, there are 533 members except Speaker and 11 seats are vacant. The NDA has 312 MPs, which is much higher than the majority of the figures of 267. The BJP's attempt is to show the strength of the NDA in front of the country by placing a vote in favor of AIADMK and TRS 48 saasands. In this case NDA Plus can get 360 votes. He wants to prove that the allies are not sparing him in the election year, but the new allies are getting it.

Opposition on the other hand wants to put the contradiction between BJP and NDA in front of the country. Rahul Gandhi will assume command of attack on behalf of Congress They will attack the Modi government about the failure of policies in the name of unemployment, inflation, communal tension, felony, foreign policy and policies in Jammu and Kashmir. The Government will be taken aback by the increase in atrocities against Muslims and Dalits. The Congress tried to convince the BJP's Dalit MPs to prove their anti-Dalit opposition by giving up the resentment. But all angry angry Dalit MPs have said that they are tied to the party whip and will support the government. These MPs are Savitri Phule, Chintilal, Ashok Dual. Shatrughan Sinha also said that as long as I am in BJP, I will talk to BJP. Two sick MPs are also preparing to bring Parliament.
Opposition wants to put split in front of the NDA in front of the public. Therefore, Amit Shah called Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray and appealed for support from him. It is likely that the Shiv Sena will vote in favor of the government. On the other hand, the CBI has chargesheeted the Aircel Maxis scam against former finance minister P Chidambaram exactly a day before the debate. In this way, BJP has got a big chance to become an attacker on the issue of corruption.

On the other hand, the Congress has alleged that Modi Government is putting pressure on investigative agencies to misuse the name of Sonia Gandhi on the Christian middleman of the Augusta Westland helicopter scandal. BJP wants to vote tomorrow, so that all their strengths will come in front of the country. That is not to say that after the PM's reply, the opposition should walk out and voting could not be done. BJP is preparing all its MPs for voting. There are 19 whips of BJP in the Lok Sabha and everyone was given the responsibility of each group by creating MPs of MPs. Tonight all BJP MPs will be in different state buildings. There they will be asked to stay in the house tomorrow and vote properly.

Meanwhile, in Delhi, after rumors spread out that after defeating the motion of no confidence, the BJP will also hold general elections in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan in November. A very senior BJP leader said that the public has chosen us for five years and we will not leave the chair even an hour before the completion of five years. According to him, BJP is always ready to contest according to him. So what will be achieved with tomorrow's exercise? Will the opposition be successful in enforcing the government or will this bet on the opposition be reversed?

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Congress's only mission - Rahul becomes PM

In 2004, Congress got 145 seats. So now, the magic figure for Congress is 272 but not only 150.
The Congress has decided its mission. His mission is to make Rahul Gandhi Prime Minister. At the Congress Working Committee's Sunday meeting, it was decided that the Congress will try the coalition and Rahul will be its leader. Congress has also realized its weak ground. Because party spokesman Randeep Singh Surjewala had said after the meeting of the Congress Working Committee that "Congress is hoping to do better than its performance in 2004. If the Congress becomes the biggest party and touches the magical figure of two hundred, then obviously That party will lead all the parties who want to come together. Congress President Rahul Gandhi will be the only face which will be presented as PM Interpretation will. "

In 2004, Congress got 145 seats. So now, the magic figure for Congress is 272 but not only 150. According to reports, former Finance Minister P Chidambaram gave a presentation in the meeting of the Working Committee. It said that Congress is strong in 12 states and it can get more than three hundred and a half hundred seats from the present. Where the party is not strong, its hopes are dependent on the coalition. With 80 seats in UP, 42 in West Bengal, 40 in Bihar and 39 in Tamil Nadu, Congress is not seen anywhere in about 200 seats. Here it is supported by allies. That is, one and a half hundred seats of the Congress and one and a half hundred associates of the allies. In this way the Congress Mission 300 may be completed.
PL Puniya, a member of the Congress Working Committee and senior leader, who came in Mission 2019, says that in the states where the Congress is weak, the alliance will be formed with the other parties. He said that Congress wants to remove BJP at all costs. But on asking if the next election would be Rahul versus Modi, he had said that this is the BJP's attempt. But we are repeatedly saying that after the election, the PM will be decided after meeting.

But becoming a PM candidate is not so easy. If you talk about potential collaborators, many of them are in line to become PM. Like Mamta Banerjee, Mayawati, Sharad Pawar etc. Although JDS and NCP have supported Rahul's claim, RJD is saying that the decision of the PM will be met. If Mamata Banerjee herself is in the line of PM by making a federa
Will the Congress running with the target of only one and a half hundred seats will be able to make the PM a PM? Will leaders of allies dreaming to become PM themselves will accept Rahul's leadership?

BJP spokesman Hitesh Jain, who is in the program, says that the agenda of the opposition has come to the country. He wants to remove Modi in any case. But he will not be able to succeed in his plans.

BJP claims that Congress is being forced to kneel in front of regional parties. The way he is talking about only 150 seats, it is clear that he has given his defeat even before the election.

However, it is now clear that there is no confusion about leadership in Congress. Obviously, whatever regional parties are ready to accept Rahul as their leader, they can join the Congress. But due to weakening of the Congress's position in the allotment of seats, the strength of the bargaining power can be reduced after the elections.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the author's personal views. NDTV is not liable for the accuracy, completeness, pragmatism or truth of any information given in this article. All the information in this article has been presented as Any information or facts given in this article or the views expressed are not from NDTV, and NDTV is not liable in any way for them.

Rahul Gandhi's mission Rahul

Congress can support anyone for PM, provided it is not from the BJP and the RSS, after discussions of Mamata Banerjee and Mayawati claiming Rahul's back
Congress's mission was hanging before Rahul started. The ink of the Congress Working Committee's decision to make Rahul a PM candidate was not too dry that his closest leaders changed the course of decision. He says that Congress can support anyone for PM, provided it is not of BJP and RSS. In the PM race, the discussions started by Mamata Banerjee and Mayawati as Rahul's withdrawal started.

Actually, after the CWC meeting on Sunday, after the statement of Randeep Singh Surjewala, Rahul's candidature was stamped in which he said that Rahul Gandhi would be the face if the Congress emerged as the biggest party.

After this, the reactions of the present and potential allies of Congress came to light. Janata Dal Secular leader HD Deve Gowda was the only leader who supported Rahul's claim. While the NCP, Trinamool Congress and even RJD said that after the conclusion of the results the PM was fixed.

This was a shock for Rahul. It was also a message that Congress wants to make 2019 Rahul vs. Modi while in this fight Rahul will not be able to stand up to Modi. The Congress itself has introduced its fallen morale by referring to its performance in 145 seats in 2004. Just as Chidambaram said that the mission 300 will be completed by bringing 150 seats of Congress and 150 seats of its allies and also the weak condition of the Congress. That is why Congress is now saying that its fight is not from any person but from ideology and will do anything to remove BJP. That is what he did in Karnataka. Where to remove the BJP, the third party leader was made the chief minister.

That is why names of Mamta Banerjee and Mayawati are being taken. Both are experienced leaders. Mayawati is a Dalit and a woman leader. To date, no Dalit PM has been formed. In such a situation, Congress can move a bigger Dalit card ahead of its name. But Mayawati has said that she will compromise with Congress only when honorable seats are available.

On the other hand, voices are rising within the Congress in opposition to the Trinamool Congress's agreement.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the author's personal views. NDTV is not liable for the accuracy, completeness, pragmatism or truth of any information given in this article. All the information in this article has been presented as Any information or facts given in this article or the views expressed are not from NDTV, and NDTV is not liable in any way for them.

सपना चौधरी ने दोस्तों के साथ की कमाल-धमाल मस्ती,

सपना चौधरी (Sapna Choudhary) भोजपुरी सिनेमा (Bhojpuri Cinema), बॉलीवुड (Bollywood) और पंजाबी फिल्मों

 (Punjabi Movies) में अपने हाथ दिखा चुकी हैं.हरियाणा की सनसनी सपना चौधरी (Sapna Choudhary) भोजपुरी सिनेमा

 (Bhojpuri Cinema), बॉलीवुड (Bollywood) और पंजाबी फिल्मों (Punjabi Movies) में अपने हाथ दिखा चुकी हैं.

 सपना चौधरी के धमाकेदार वीडियो वायरल होते रहते हैं. अकसर ये वीडियो उनके म्यूजिक वीडियो और स्टेज परफॉर्मेंस के होते हैं.

 लेकिन हाल ही में सपना चौधरी का एक वीडियो सामने आया है जिसमें वे अपने दोस्तों के साथ धमाल करती नजर आ रही हैं. 

सपना चौधरी (Sapna Choudhary) के इस तरह के वीडियो कम ही आते हैं, इसलिए ये वीडियो अपने आप में अनोखा है.

 वैसे भी 'बिग बॉस 11' के बाद सपना चौधरी पूरे देश में खास पहचान हासिल कर चुकी हैं. 

 सपना चौधरी के फैन्स को उनका ये अंदाज खूब पसंद आ रहा है. 27 वर्षीया सपना चौधरी का जन्म हरियाणा के रोहतक में हुआ था. उनके पिता का देहांत उस समय हो गया था, जब वे 18 साल की थी. उसके बाद वे एक ऑर्केस्ट्रा पार्टी के साथ जुड़ गईं. सपना ने अपने पहले गाने 'सॉलिड बॉडी रै' से ऐसा हंगामा बरपाया कि उनकी लोकप्रियता सातवें आसमान पर पहुंच गई. सपना चौधरी जितना जबरदस्त डांस करती हैं, उतना ही जबरदस्त गाती भी हैं.
सपना चौधरी टेलीविजन पर न सिर्फ 'बिग बॉस 11' से सुर्खियों में आ चुकी हैं बल्कि वे 'लाडो- वीरपुर की मर्दानी' में भी स्पेशल अपियरेंस कर चुकी हैं. सपना चौधरी बॉलीवुड में कई स्पेशल सॉन्ग कर चुकी हैं.
सपना चौधरी टेलीविजन पर न सिर्फ 'बिग बॉस 11' से सुर्खियों में आ चुकी हैं बल्कि वे 'लाडो- वीरपुर की मर्दानी' में भी स्पेशल अपियरेंस कर चुकी हैं. सपना चौधरी बॉलीवुड में कई स्पेशल सॉन्ग कर चुकी हैं.