Aug 26, 2018

Have the real issues left behind in the Hindu-Muslim debate?

The two biggest parties of the country are confused with the question of Hindus and Muslims. I do not remember when the last word was used in the political terminology to describe the Hindu-Muslim words in such a ruthless manner.
The issues of poor, farmers, unemployed, dalits, laborers, backward people have left behind such a situation and only one issue has survived in the country - Hindu-Muslim's. The two biggest parties of the country are confused with the question of Hindus and Muslims. I do not remember when the last word was used in the political terminology to describe the Hindu-Muslim words in such a ruthless manner. PM Narendra Modi is asking the Congress on the issue of three divorces that he is a Muslim men's party or is he also concerned about Muslim women? Not only this, he is also reminding of the old statement of former prime minister Manmohan Singh, in which he said that the first right on the country's resources is also of minorities.

In addition to PM Modi, Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javdekar have targeted him for the alleged statement of Congress President Rahul Gandhi, according to Congress, Rahul did not give it. After meeting with Rahul Gandhi's Muslim intellectuals, an Urdu newspaper was published in the Inklab that Rahul told him that Congress is a party of Muslims. The newspaper quoted Congress leader Nadeem Javed as saying that the news was correct.

On the other hand, Congress leaders are not lagging behind in giving statements on the issue of Hindu-Muslim. Shashi Tharoor said that if BJP won in 2019, then India would become a Hindu Pakistan. Digvijay Singh also came to the ground. He reminded Pakistani dictator Zia-ul-Haq and accused that as Zia-ul-Haq promoted religious extremism in Pakistan, the ruling party in India is promoting alleged Hindutva. There was a sharp reaction on Tharoor's statement. They tweeted and blamed that the youth workers of BJP attacked on their office today.
A Kolkata court also issued a notice to him. Mani Shankar Aiyar, a suspended leader of Congress, has come to support Tharoor. In his blog on, he said that Tharoor has given the correct statement about Hindu Pakistan. The Congress has once again given a clean sweep of all these disputes. He said that he is not the one of everyone and BJP is trying to rule by dividing the country like East India Company.

These efforts to democratize the country before the next Lok Sabha election can harm the social structure. Voices have also started to rise. Harbhajan tweeted that a country of 50 lakh population played in the final of the World Cup football and we are playing Hindu-Muslim. Regrettably, both the big parties are not behind each other. Have the real issues left behind in the Hindu-Muslim debate? Will the political artillery of misguiding the voters of the country in the name of religion be able to raise the votes of votes for them?

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