Aug 26, 2018

What does the opposition want to achieve by giving a no confidence motion?

When arithmetic is completely in favor of the BJP, then what is the opposition seeking to achieve the no-confidence motion ... Who will get the benefit from the proposal - the government or the opposition ...?

Debate and voting on the Opposition motion of the opposition against the Modi government will be on Friday. Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan approved the opposition's motion of no confidence on the very first day of the monsoon session. This is the second non-confidence motion in the last 15 years. Earlier in 2003, there was a proposal against the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government which had fallen. In 2008, the Manmohan Singh government had brought a confidence motion to the nuclear deal and won it.

Well, arithmetic is in favor of the government, but Sonia Gandhi is asking who said that she does not have numbers? On this, BJP is reminding Sonia of her similar claim made in 1999 when she said that the number of 272 was in her favor. The opposition, however, has brought this proposal to keep the matter before the government against the government on different issues. Like TDP, Andhra Pradesh is seeking special state status. At the same time, Congress wants to keep the real face of the government in front of the public about the plight of farmers and other failures. The Trinamool Congress is also in support of this proposal.

At the same time, BJP feels it will be a chance to keep the government report card in front of the country through the parliament. The second part of the budget session stalled on the issue of no confidence motion, but this time the government assumed the day before. There is a special reason behind this. The biggest thing is that BJP has come in election mode. Amit Shah believed that the use of the motion of no confidence should be used to expose opposition unity and to count the successes of the government in front of the public. Last time Congress-TDP came to the ground in support of the motion of no confidence, but this time was already with the day, so there were more than fifty MPs in favor of the proposal. So this proposal was assumed.

The government also expects that the issues which the opposition wants to debate on may be discussed during the motion of no confidence. Therefore Parliament will not only run, but necessary bills will also be passed. The BJP is confident about arithmetic, then it is confident about it. There are 10 seats vacant in 545 members Lok Sabha now. Therefore, the majority figure is 268. BJP has 273 MPs except Speaker. Together with the allies, there are 314 MPs in the NDA. While the UPA has 63 MPs. The figure of others is of 157. These AIADMKs and TRSs can be absent while voting. In such a scenario the figure of 244 will be left only, which will be easily with the NDA.
Although the opposition is convinced that despite several BJP MP whips in the election year, the BJP can shock the BJP in the absence of votes or in favor of the proposal. These are being named as Shatrughan Sinha, Kirti Azad, Savitri Phule, Rajkumar Saini, Ashok Dual, Chhoti Lal, etc. who are angry with the party. Apart from this, two MPs including Bhola Singh are sick. Kirti Vardhan Singh is abroad. However, BJP claims that Savitri will vote against all the proposals except for Phule.

On the other hand, BJP's attempt is to break the opposition unity. She wants some opposition MPs to openly revolt as they did in the Vice Presidential election. So the question is, when the arithmetic is completely in favor of BJP then what does the opposition want to achieve by giving a no confidence motion? Who will benefit from this proposal after this? Government or opposition?

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