Sep 2, 2018

Stop the financial aid given to the agency, to the UN, working for Palestinian refugees

The State Department termed this agency a "non-correction error" on Friday and said that the US administration has "carefully reviewed" the matter and "no additional assistance will be provided to the UNRW."
The administration of US President Donald Trump has announced to completely eliminate the financial aid given to the United Nations agency working for Palestinian refugees. Also, the number of Palestinian refugees has also been called for a severe reduction. A senior administrative officer told CNN late Friday night that this announcement regarding the United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinian refugees could be made in the next few weeks. The State Department termed this agency a "non-correction error" on Friday and said that the US administration has "carefully reviewed" the matter and "no additional assistance will be provided to UNRW"

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The United States has been the most supportive country in the UNWWA so far. It was founded by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 for the care of displaced Palestinians after the Arab-Israeli war. In the year 2017, the agency had given the agency 35 million dollars. The official told CNN that the decision took place in the meeting between US President Donald Trump's son-in-law and White House senior advisor Jereid Kussner and Foreign Minister Mike Pompeio.

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UNRWA provides education, health and social services to Palestinian refugees registered in West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's spokesman described the move as an "attack" against the Palestinians. UNWWA spokeswoman Chris Gunnes criticized the move of the United States in a series of tweets. UNRW spokesman Chris Gunnes tweeted, "We strongly deny that UNRWA's schools, health centers and emergency aid programs are not improper."

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