Sep 2, 2018

Maoism: A threat to security change, security is getting from China-Pakistan: BJP training manual

It said in the rules that forcibly conversion causes disturbances of brotherhood and social unity. At the same time, some political parties have been accused of "promoting" or "silent support" for the conversion of religion.
In the training manual of Bharatiya Janata Party, Maoism has been described as a major threat to the internal security of the country and it has been said that Maoists in India are getting "regular support" with Pakistan and China. The purpose of this manual is to keep party workers and office bearers focused on their ideology and ideas. It has been said that "Maoists, who are also called Naxalites, are plotting to carry out joint attacks in the North-Eastern states with the help of active terrorist organizations." Recently, with the arrest of the alleged Maoist activists by Maharashtra Police The issue of Naxalism and cooperation that can be found prominently came out. Opposition parties and authority organizations of these arrests have condemned the BJP, while the BJP is defending the action with force. In addition to "Maoism" in the party's training manual, "forced conversion of forced religion" has also been described as an internal challenge. It has been claimed that there is a conspiracy to change the demography of the country for many years in the form of "jihadi" and "Christian".
Through Christianity, obviously some Christian groups have been pointed towards the deeds of conversion. The rules said, "This is a major internal threat to the country. Some external agencies are also involved in the change of religion, and they use the money and muscle on a large scale for these activities. "It further said," The speed of conversion is so fast in some states that it has completely deviated their demographics Has changed. In such states, people are very angry with them and their anger can prove to be explosive at any time. "
It said in the rules that forcibly conversion causes disturbances of brotherhood and social unity. At the same time, some political parties have been accused of "promoting" or "silent support" for the conversion of religion.

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