Sep 27, 2018

Because the property is not feminine

Supreme court first gave way to gender equality by giving women the right to family property and now has unleashed the 158-year-old law and opened its way to sexual freedom.

The Supreme Court's verdict of cancellation of the adultery law is not so much that the extramarital affairs of women and men will no longer be regarded as criminal. Unfortunately in our continuous surface-time, most people will explain this decision so thoroughly. This decision of our society, which is constantly becoming a joke, can take an opportunity for some sneaking on the openness of man-woman relations, but it is a historic decision.

Because the decision of this verdict is also with the freedom of woman and its sexual freedom. The Supreme Court has probably outlined so clearly for the first time that the body is the property of the woman and she has the right to decide about it. Although the mention of sexual independence of a woman, some people are sprayed like this, such as those who are engaged in discussions or demanding sexual freedom for women seeking a license for extramarital affairs or advocating disorder of sexual relationships.

While the case is simply that the man is also free as a man, the marriage is bound to make him social and moral bond, but both have an autonomous personality. Earlier, this autonomy was achieved only by a man. Not only now, but in the past the prostitution of married men was also socially accepted, but in the landlords who used to avoid this, men used to question their masculinity.

The Supreme Court has actually shocked the concept of this masculinity. Because, under this concept, the man is considered to be his property. Whether she wants to stay in the house, if she wants to go to the office - she will enjoy the freedom she has given and will be grateful for her. Priyanka Chopra does not want a child in the film 'Dil Dhadkana Do', which she got married a few days ago, she wants to be separated from that marriage - she does not understand this decision - her parents and not even her. Prior to this, Priyanka Chopra's husband Rahul Bose tells very badly that she has given full freedom to work for Priyanka. On this, Priyanka's friend, Farhan Akhtar, raises the question that he needs your order for his independence.

To say this means that the Supreme Court has been debating beforehand on many forms of feminism. On the two fronts of sexual equality and sexual independence, the woman has been struggling constantly and due to which she is constantly chasing, she gradually appears to win. Supreme court first gave way to gender equality by giving women the right to family property and now has unleashed the 158-year-old law and opened its way to sexual freedom.

But despite all these legal and constitutional arrangements, does the woman have the status of equal status in any form or her independence? There is no doubt that he has got many exemptions compared to earlier- his presence in education, in jobs, sports and in all areas has increased and acceptance also. Government advertisements show this gender equality of equality, it may not be true, but in our public life both woman's status and status has increased.

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