Sep 28, 2018

Bhagat Singh Birth Anniversary: 10 facts related to Bhagat Singh, that young generation should know

Today is the birthday of Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh (Bhagat Singh). Today is Bhagat Singh's 111th Birth Anniversary.

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Today is the birthday of Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh (Bhagat Singh). Today is Bhagat Singh's 111th Birth Anniversary. The massacre of Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar on April 13, 1919 made the 12-year-old revolutionary such a child, whose sacrifice also made the death immortal. The name of legendary Bhagat Singh, known as Shaheed-e-Azam, who fills the passion of youth in the hearts of youth, is immortal in the pages of history in the golden letters. Under his name, the land under the feet of the British went away. I know Bhagat Singh's 111th Birth Anniversary, 10 special things that every child should know ...

Bhagat Singh, the brave freedom fighter of India, was born on 28 September 1947 in the village of Liaopur district in the province of Punjab, father Kishan Singh and mother Vidyavati.

Witnessing the Jallianwala Bagh massacre at the age of 12 had such an impact on the thinking that he left the studies of the National College of Lahore and established the 'Naujawan Bharat Sabha' for India's independence.

Veer Senani Bhagat Singh, with the courage of the powerful British government with the courage of the country's independence, is a great model for today's youth.

Bhagat Singh's 'Inklab Zindabad' slogan became very famous. He used to mention it in every speech and article.

This mudvale of independence first bombarded Chandershekhar Azad and other members of the party in Central Assemblies of 'Sanders-Slaughter' in Lahore and then in the Central Assembly, gave rise to open rebellion against the British Empire.

When relatives wanted to marry him, he left home and ran to Kanpur. In the letter he left behind, he wrote that he has devoted his life to the great work of liberating the country.

Bhagat Singh did not like the policy of exploitation against the workers of the bourgeoisie. Public Safety and Trade Dispute Bill appeared in the Central Assembly on April 8, 1929. Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt broke their bombs in the assembly and put their point in front of the government for their voice to the English ruling and to protest against British policies. Both of them could have run away, but innocent Hindus in India surrendered laugh and laugh.

When the Hindu-Muslim riots broke out after the non-cooperation movement ended, they were deeply disappointed. After that, in 1930, he wrote his famous essay "Why I am an atheist" (Why M Anthist) in the Lahore Central Jail.

In Lahore conspiracy case, he was hanged with Rajguru and Sukhdev, and the date of hanging was fixed on 24th May, 1931. But 11 hours prior to the due date, they were hanged on March 23, 1931 at 7:30 pm. It is said that when he was hanged there no magistrate was present there, but according to the rules it should have been done.

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