Sep 28, 2018

Rule of Rahul Gandhi on Raphael - The officer who stopped him from theft, the leader of the thugs hit him

Congress President Rahul Gandhi has attacked with the lines of rhyme this time on the issue of Rafael Deal

Congress President Rahul Gandhi has attacked with the lines of rhyme this time on the issue of Rafael Deal. Their tweet became viral on social media Rahul Gandhi tweeted on a media report that it was said that officers of the Joint Secretary rank raised questions on the deal of the Rafale aircraft, but the deal was finalized bypassing the objection of the officer. Later, the concerned officer had to leave on leave. On this Rahul Gandhi tweeted that Modi Ambani took away Rafael from HAL and the officer who stopped him from the theft, the commander of the thugs hit him. View tweet

During Rahul Gandhi's rally in Chitrakoot on Thursday, Rahul Gandhi attacked Gandhi government on Rafael fiercely. On the Rafael deal, Rahul Gandhi said that PM Modi took the change from the old contract, HAL and gave a deal to his friend. Rahul Gandhi said that there has been a big scandal in Rafael Deal and PM Modi has benefited from Ambani. Rahul also said that PM Modi betrayed the country and lost faith and lost faith. Next, Rahul said that when I talked to President of France about Rafael Deal, he said that there is no secret matter in the deal, he can tell if he wants to tell the government.

Rahul said that Narendra Modi bought 536 crores ship for 1600 crores. Narendra Modi wanted to put 30 billion rupees in Ambani's pocket. I had asked four questions from PM Modi that why did you snatch the contract from SAL and give it to Anil Ambani? Why did you cheat with India? But PM Modi did not answer any of my questions. When I talked to Narendra Modi by joining the eye, he would ever see here - he looked at the other side. But I could not talk with my eyes.

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