Sep 28, 2018

Virat Kohli P Black Coffee with Anushka Sharma, say - you are my strength

Virat Kohli (Virat Kohli) has been rested by the BCCI.Virat Kohli has praised, while uploading Anushka Sharma's photo after receiving the game Ratna. Virat has told Anushka the real power.

Virat Kohli (Virat Kohli) has rested the BCCI. In Asia Cup (Asia Cup 2018), he is not captaincy for Team India. Recently, he has been awarded the Game Ratna Award. At that time, wife Anushka Sharma was present along with her mother and brother. The game Ratna Award is considered to be the highest award. Whichever Virat Kohli finds, he is very happy. Virat Kohli has praised, while uploading Anushka Sharma's photo after receiving the game Ratna. Virat has told Anushka the real power.

Virat Kohli uploaded a photo. In which Anushka Sharma is seen drinking black coffee. He wrote - 'The person who inspires me to move forward despite all the obstacles. The person who guides me to do the right thing in life against all obstacles. The person who has changed me from inside and I have realized the power of true love. My strength and my solmate. '

After the Asia Cup, Team India will play a series of 2 Test matches from the West Indies in October. After which will be the 5-match ODI series. After which India will play the five-match ODI series in Australia from December to January and after which the ODI series will be played in 3 matches. After the Asia Cup, Team India will be very busy. So Virat Kohli has been rested.

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